I'm starting to get lazy again, and I just can't help it. In nothing I will start highschool again and I'm full of homework. I have to do a maths dossier, and it's just horrible. A friend told me "You can copy mine" But it's hard even copying... I mean, copying it's not the solution. I'm not smart, (I think that I'm only good for english, and I'm even bad in english, I mean I'm just a teen girl) But maths is something that I just can't handle. I oppen the dossier, and I see a lot of numbers and letters mixed, that they look me with rage and fury saying " YOU CAN'T SOLVE US HAHAHAHAHA." I said I wouldn't write in caps, but I wasn't writing, I was YELLING hahaha! #Shittysolutions Well, this blog is initially about lists, so, Today I will do a los of things that I'm tired of!
1- Fakers.
Fakers is one of the things I hate the most. That people that when you need'em, when you wanna be with'em "have other interesting matters to do" But when they need you "hello... I need to talk with you" Yes, you need to talk with when you want to isn't it true huh? Wathever, that kinda people doesn't deserve even to be in othe people's mouth. PS: Look at the picture, isn't it funny? I love this quotes they are so true. Someday, I will post an entry with quotes that I like. (Remind me, Because If you don't I will forget It.)
2. People who judge me just because I listen to old music.

I'm really sick, and tired of these people dammit. I mean everyone have it's tastes, And music is something that you just can't judge. Nothing is better than nothing. For you something might be great, but maybe for other people it's junk. And I just hate people who judge a song by it's age. Once I made a test. I had on my mp3 a song from the 90's, one of my favourites before "Move Your Body" By Eiffel65. So, I played this song and I told a friend "Hey, do ya wanna listen this song? It's from this year and it's really cool" Then, my friend put my headphones on and listened to the song without knowing that i was from the 90's. She said It was great. After that I told her "Well, It's from the 90's! You see? You can't judge a book by it's cover." But I think that a lot of people Instead of reading the book, search it's argument on the internet.I loved that experiment, because it showed that a lot of people judge without knowing, and that's the matter.
3. People who make fun of you for everything you do
I just think that people who do that have no brain. I H-A-T-E them. You wear a green t-shirt? HAHAHAHA YOU'RE WEARING A GREEN T-SHIRT. With their stupid smile, and they're kid face. I jts think they're pathethic. But, Somehitng taht I have to repair, is, that these pathetic people, don't even deserve to be hated. I'm waisting my time hating stupid people instead of using it to love people who are worth it, and this is something that I just have to fyx by my own. Even thought, I wish that this people realize how pathetic they are. Because if someday you see one of them cry, crying like a kid, you remember al the time that they saw you cry, and made fun of your tears. You think, "Now I could laugh of em because I saw them cry like a kid which candy's been stolen" Anyway don't make fun of who make mistakes, be careful and don't same that them"
Sincerely, I don't remember more things wich I'm tired of. Well maths, I hate maths. So, remember to answer the question that I made, and please comment or something, Or Elmo will go to catch yo, Elmo knos where you live. Kidding. Well bucketeers, the next post, will be the quotes, or wathever. See ya!
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