This world is full of strange things. Things that don't even have a meaning. Things that, you just don't know why are you doing'em. That's exactly the case of what i'm doing now. I'm busy, i have to do lots of things, and i'm standing writing a blog xD. Curious right? Yep, Misterys of life! But anyway, there's a point on our lives, that we just have to let ourselves go and do things that you never thought of doing'em. Or yes you thought in doing in? In my case yes. I always thought, someday, i'm gonna write a blog in english. I just wanna do it. And everything, can be accomplished someday. Aaaaaand here we are. This is the point where you don't know what the heck you can write and you start going like this: :) :D :3 :P ^^ n.n. I think everybody in their lives have done that. I'm not an alien, i can't be the only one that has done that. My english, as you will see in my entries, is not perfect, is not good. It's kinda shitty, if i have to confess. But i accept things how they are. I just will work improving my english, my defects everyday. But don't get confused, I don't pretend beign perfect. I don't pretend being that one with no defects. I think this doesen't exist. If you doun't love yourself with all your things, who will? Another starnge thing, on this world, that if you don't live life as you should, you run out of time, and you can't accomplish all your things in your bucket List. What have you got on you bucket list? Here's Mine:
Bucket List:
-Wirte a blog in english (DONE!)
-Be myself. (emmmmmm DONE! Anyway)
-Distract myself of doing homework.
-Improve my english (not done, i think)
-Have my self-estime higher (mmmm i can't say done. And, i know self estime is not written like that. Yeah, i know)
-Live evrery minute of life, as it was the last. (Not done, i have to live a lot of minutes, before of saying that this is DONE)
-Go to London. (NOT DONE. WHYYY!)
-Write a Bucket List (DONE!)
-Be writing now that bucket list. (DONE)
-Write another SERIOUS Bucket List(DONE)
-Stop writing in caps. (done.)
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