sábado, 20 de abril de 2013

Finally I got it, yeah.

When someone tells you "you  have to do something" and you don't exactly know how to do that "Something" don't you feel kinda, Scared? So, that's what happened to me. I had to do a remix, of 4 songs, it was for music class, for a dance. And the group said: we all will try to do it, so, you try it to. After hoursa trying, the day of the class, I said that I couldn't but i decidet, not to give up. And yesterday, friday afternoon, I did it. Yeah, the remix is done on my computer lalalalalalala It's done ^_^

It's nod the best remix, it's something very simple, but anyway, who cares? I mean I did it, and that''s the Bucket for today! If at the very first time that you try something you fail, just keep on going! Who knows if you will get it later!

Sorry for short entry, later, I will write another one larger :)

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

Friday,Sweet Friday.

You know? I don't use the word "Thursday" For me it's "that day before Friday" It's that, "Pre-Friday"  For me every week, every single day from the week it's a countdown, for the great friday, Here you have a little sample of my week:


Oh goddam, today is Monday. Yes, M-O-N-D-A-Y It''s crazy how only 5 letter can make you feel angry, yes, Monday. That day, when you think "Oh, i've got to change my alarm, i'm getting tired of that song, because it's simply a song, that you loved before, and when you put it as an alarm, you began to hate it" An advice: don't put a song that you like as an alarm, you will end up hating it.


Well, a day has passed, yay, it's not Monday, it's not friday, but at least, you know that Monday is far away, The emotions that i feel on Tuesday, mixed happines and, "saddnes" because it's not Friday, but I describe it as a "The first step on the way to Friday"


Cool day. I like wednesdays it's one of the lightests days on highschool yay. No class in the afternoon, and, only 2 days till Friday, i like Wednesday, it helps me to wait till Friday, 

Call it Thursday, Pre Friday or Whatever you want, but, Only 1 day to Friday!

Yaaaaaaaay! I don't like thursday, because it's like, Friday is almost there but it's still not here! But at the same time it's Oh damn! Friday is almost here c'mon, only 1 day, you'll resist

And,Friday arribes, yaaaaaaaaaaay! I like fridays, I love fridays, I'm free, i can listen to music while I write my blog without caring of exams and all this ****** (censored)

So The Bucket for today is: If you want something, just wait for it, living each moment and thinking, that someday, it will arribe!

PD= I just can't stop listening to that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAvZ12DDtoU  Don't ask me why, but, I don't watch dick figures, I've seen maybe 2 or 3 episodes, but this version of the song it's soo cool, i can't stop listening to it ! Weird things, yes.

domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

Being fake is the new trend, and everyone seems to be in style.

People thik, hat being in style is something hard to get, but they don't realize, that the style is in themselves. In that case, I'm gonna talk about a trend, that i deeply hate, and that sadly, is one of the biggest trends around the world.


People has to realize, that trying to be perfect, is almost the same of being fake. Cause perfeccion, is nothing but a fake thing. If you want to be perfect, or if you want something perfect, go ahead, and buy barbie.
Oh wait! Barbie is not perfect! Oh my god don't tell me, i didn't know this before you told me! 

It's so depressing how trying to be perfect, and being fake, is that similar, that is almost the same. When you stop being yourself for being in style, and being perfect, you enter in a new trend, that everyone is following. Being fake. 

I honestly think, that there is no style, no trends, the style is in ourself! And in that sad moment, when someone stops being him or herself, he is losing the truly trend, that nowadays, few people follow it.

Bucket for today:

Stop trying to be perfect if you don't want to turn into fake, stop trying to follow stupid trends, stop thinking perfeccion exists in clothes, in make up, in hair, and start beliebing, perfeccion exists in you way to be YOURSELF.